
The Sensing research thrust was engaged in developing and testing highly connected networks of Doppler radar hardware that transmit short-range microwave pulses into the lower atmosphere and measure numerous meteorological conditions at smaller scales and greater frequency than ever before. Our research defined, designed, fabricated, and field-tested solid-state, low-cost, rapid-scan, multi-beam radars, along with the unique collaborating configurations that connect these units to create DCAS systems.

The key parameters of these small-scale radars are transmitter power, beam requirements, antenna size, operating frequency, and bandwidth. The Sensing thrust conducted research into the interaction of electromagnetic waves with the atmosphere in both stormy environments and in clear weather. The team studied the physical mechanisms by which DCAS networks measure precipitation, detect winds, temperature, and humidity. View a multimedia presentation on the Sensing thrust and radars by Sandra Cruz Pol, CASA Associate Director, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez. (Note: RealPlayer is required to view this presentation.) 

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